Obama just made Superman's day

Jan 24, 2009 00:28

Obama - I think you just made Superman's day. Am talking about this piece of news:

Paralysed patients will this summer become the first people in the world to receive a therapy based on human embryonic stem cells, in a study that promises to open a new era for medicine, The Times has learnt.

The first human trial of the technology, which has huge potential to cure disease yet is considered unethical by “pro-life” groups because it involves destroying embryos, will today be cleared to proceed by US regulators.

The decision marks a sea-change in US government attitudes to stem cells, as President Obama prepares to lift restrictions imposed by President Bush that hampered progress in the field. Mr Obama pledged in his inaugural address to “restore science to its rightful place”, and to end White House obstruction of stem-cell research.

More here.

For those who may be wondering - Christopher Reeve fought tirelessly in favour of such research believing it to be the most promising avenue of science for to help cure paralysis and many other diseases. I hope your smiling up there at this news :D

politics, christopher reeve, christopher and dana reeve foundation

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