Mar 27, 2006 15:18
In a nutshell:
Lasik surgery happened for me on Monday, March 15th. Normally, I'm super freaky/protective about what happens with my eyes. I've never been able to wear contacts, and my vision has been a pretty consistant 20/50 or so since I was about 23 or 24. No real pain to speak of, just a little discomfort, and "itchy feeling" eyes with a strict regimen of different drops to take the first week. Now I just take Visine every few hours and that does the trick. Oh, and my vision is now somewhere between 20/15 and 20/10. Yeah, that's better than 20/20. I don't think that the human eye was intended to see this well... at least, I don't remember mine ever seeing this well. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.
Save for one cigarette on Fat Tuesday, I haven't smoked since Valentine's Day. A friend of mine confided in me awhile ago that he might have Emphysema. A day or two after that, I ran out of cigarettes. I didn't bothre to buy more. Being the Libra that I am, I'm not using a patch or gum or anything to help me with this, other than sheer will, and others denying me a cigarette should I happen to request one after I've had one or 6 Rum and Cokes while out at a bar.
Sunday and I went to Sisters of Mercy the other night at the Crystal Ballroom... a show that featured a grand total of 6 never-ending fog machines. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face... even right next to the stage, but I did catch a few glances of Andrew now and again. He's shorter than I remember. Oh, and I didn't smoke. I went to Sisters of Mercy and didn't smoke. I am SO Un-Goth. Sure, we drove to the show in a black car, but it had a baby seat in the back of it! It was great to see the number of mid to late 30ish people at the show... the aging "old guard" who probably have mortgages and babysitters now just like we do. At least, I really hope they do...