At the moment I'm working on a minor compilation. It'll be released on audio cassette in a very limited printing. Perhaps around 25 tapes. Each side will contain 5-6 tracks and right now I'm thinking about dedicating the A-side to new post-punk and new wave bands and the B-side to more experimental stuff like electropunk, noise rock and minimal. I would really love bands like Strip Mall Seizures, Crystal Castles, Architecture in Helsinki, Marfa & Ne-Af and Yip-Yip to appear on the B-side but really everything that's cool can get on it. I don't know about the A-side yet but I will try not picking the too obvious bands. If you are in a band or know someone who are then and you/they could be interested then let me know.
I hope to sell the tapes together with a small DIY magazine. The mag should be with interviews with and articles about the bands on the cassette. I hope to bring in some other interesting articles about DIY culture, older bands, cool music genres (I really feel about writing an article about early NDW bands) and art.
I will most likely buy the tapes from this
side. Each tape will cost me around 10-15 Danish krones - 1,5-2 euro - and I can imagine selling them for around 15-20 danish krones. The magazine would most likely cost me around 5 danish krones, perhaps a bit more. The price for the magazine and tape will then be around 20-25 danish krones or 3-3,5 euro. That seems like a pretty good deal for everybody doesn't it?
Now for something way more entertaining! It's christmas soon and that means I have to make a wish list 'cause that's what christmas is about. Every year I put on records that I know I'll never get but this year it's gonna be different due to this links:
Dandi Wind
Concrete Igloo -
Bait the Traps -
Nofuncity -
Break the Bone -
Apotemnophila / Adolescent Strip Mall Seizures
Strip Mall Seizures Sixteens
Fendi -
Casio Lucrate Milk
Lucrate Milk Animals and Men
Thanks Dan! Einstürzende Neubauten - Should be easy to find!
-Strategies against Architecture I
-Strategies against Architecture II
X-Ray Spex
Let's Submerge Toy Dolls
Treasured Tracks Les Georges' Leningrad
Sangue Poro -
Sur Les -
Deux Hot Dogs Moutarde Experimental Dental School
2½ Creatures Besides from that I really need a laptop and some socks.