That's what I have been! ahhh, but it's totally worth it!
So the Sky Captain Genesis and the Clockwork Angels myspace page is up now. I have a cover track I recently did up there right now as a teaser of the coolness that we as a group are.
Go check it out and add us!
Sky Capt. Genesis and the Clockwork Angels Myspace I felt it was about time we had a web presence. There is much still that needs to be done, but it is a good start I'd say!
The girls are busy working on their costumes and should be ready by end of June at which time, we will be hiding them and their awesomeness away until the Arsenic and Gears Festival in July, after that, there will be pictures galore!
So Friday is the day. The day is Friday. Not Thursday. Not Saturday, but Friday. We send of the game. Sadly, it won't be on store shelves till September but you can guarantee that as soon as I get the go ahead, I'll be posting pictures and video of in game stuff like mad!
The writing has suffered a bit from the busyness of the past few weeks and that really sucks, but hey, God screwed me when he only put 24 hours in a day and made me need sleep! After Friday though I'll be able to put focus back on it which will be awesome!
if you haven't played it yet and don't have a console, go get the Witcher or better yet, join the modern age and get a console. Due to be released on the 360 and PS3 at some point, this 3rd person RPG is so addictive it's not even funny. The story is the best I've played in years. The main character is believable. The world he inhabits is believable. Everything is amazingly detailed.
Other than that, life is good! Nothing I can complain about that's for sure! Hope all of yo are doing well and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you this summer at Ravenwood and back in Houston!