Major bike breakdown #2

Aug 03, 2011 02:19

I was riding my bike along the Ironhorse Trail. Got off at Strange St to use the "signalized intersection" as the sign recommends (I never would have guessed signalized was a word). When the light turned green I pedaled halfway thru the intersection before I heard a clanking sound and the back of the bike became really unstable. Had to abandon the bike at the bus terminal (almost 20 minutes on foot while having to maneuver a crippled bike) and bus to rehearsal at UW a half an hour late.

My roommate helped me recover the bike tonight, but I needed to remove the wheels to get it in the car. When I removed the nuts holding the rear wheel on half of the axle fell on the ground. The other half was still in the wheel. So I know what happened. Still trying to figure out why. Are self bifurcating axles a common cycling problem? Or have I been doing something wrong. I was peddling away in a relatively high gear, which may have contributed to it, but I am completely dependent on the bike as my primary method of travel outside of mooching rides off my roommate, which I don't like to do.
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