Mar 14, 2009 00:08
- 00:49 Adjusting for fan noise in furniture case: waaaaaay more art than science. #
- 13:47 @ elizafrye I don't know but that's actually pretty hilarious... XD #
- 14:04 Going to help @pinkgrrlygeek back later #
- 19:59 Still finding LANCE IN FRANCE astoundingly HILARIOUS #
- 20:09 @ willowbl00 from @nerdist I have the same deal... #
- 23:39 Dammit DragonBattlestar Galactica Z. Let's MOVE THIS ALONG SHALL WE. #bsg #
- 23:44 Or maybe DragonBattleBallStar Galactica Z. Yes, much better. #
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