Mar 10, 2009 00:08
- 01:05 @ willowbl00 AH I think I see now :D #
- 01:26 Lots of people I know thrown off by time change it seems. I guess having a messed up schedule to begin with helps me there. #
- 01:34 @ cheapwebmonkey OW #
- 01:35 Mobo has a home now #
- 02:04 @ nikkicook That didn't take long? #
- 02:17 re-attempting sleep #
- 12:54 Wrongful arrest for photography: bugmenot: eyesocketparty/eyesocketparty #
- 14:33 When did King Gyro's start playing country music? Ugh. #
- 14:34 @ lilacattak Good crap what institution is THAT for #
- 17:20 @ sapientimp Some people are just hyper-sensitive about cat boxes. My dad uses cheap litter, yet bitches about it. #
- 17:22 @ sapientimp And yes, I see your updates fine in Tweetdeck #
- 17:43 @ angry_white_boy Nope, that would have been less obnoxious I imagine. #
- 17:55 cliqset beta invite @ #
- 18:36 Pulled out old Gameboy Advance and popped in Metroid Fusion. AGH I FORGOT HOW TO DO THIS #
- 18:37 Has the GB Advance SP's screen always been this dim and hard to look at? Perhaps spoiled by iPod Touch. #
- 18:49 I never thought I'd say this but DAMN I've got too many games to play, and no time to actually play them. What happened? #
- 19:18 @ catigator I think that means that all us kids in school that hated cursive have almost won that battle #
- 20:27 Seconding holy shit. RT @bclevinger: Holy shit. #
- 21:00 @ catigator Adobe has always taken its sweet time on that, see Linux. Apple's not helping... and really, COPY/PASTE GUYS. Priorities. #
- 21:20 It works with the shelves I have at home #
- 21:31 SUV Driver Rams Cyclist, Flees, Then Gets Off With Citation #
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