Movies cure the common cold, right?

Dec 31, 2005 20:09

So, I am getting sicker. Higher fever, coughing, sneezing, and an overall gross feeling. BOO! I am staying in tonight, though it is New Year's Eve, because getting healthy and having a good time back in Troy is just better than doing something in Montgomery and feeling like crap once I get to class.

As for the title, I have watched all of the following movies today:
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-The Rookie
-Haunted Mansion

And, soon, we will be watching House of Wax, Madagascar, and possibly The Life of David Gale. Yep, that's right, if we watch all three of those movies, my total hours spent on movies this break will have reached 48. That's pretty sad... I will have spent two days of my life on movies, all in the course of less than a month, lol.

Well, I better go.. I am going to drink this effervescent tablet stuff that is supposed to fight a cold really well. It will probably taste like crap, but hopefully it will be worth it.

Before I go, some deep thoughts by Adam Keel I would like to share with you, courtesy of his bulletin on Myspace:

so, i just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a truly happy new year, so "Happy New Year." i also, however, would like to give an even bigger happy new day. we aren't guaranteed today or the sometime in the next few days, heck, the next month wake up every morning and say, "Happy New Day."

Isn't that a great thought? Happy New Year's everyone!!

EDIT: Does it make me a complete loser that I am excited I might get a Bedazzler? I mean, I could make purses and bedazzle them... that's awesome! In other news, I am a dork.
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