Mar 23, 2006 09:36
We're almost done, we still have a lot to do though. But my red-room didn't turn out so bad after the third coat of paint. Next time we will have a painting party, because a shitload of drunk drag queens could not do any worse than I did! To all the bubbas, I have not heard from you guys since YOU moved - i hope all is well. We'll get settled soon and do something. We finally have the space to! To the nephews and nieces, love you lots, hope all is well in your world.
Nothing really new to report....not being online all the's worse to get off internet than it is getting off cocaine...
The only thing bad about the new place is the traffic on Valley. 4 lanes running under your windows is NOT cool, esp when you sleep during the day! But we're working on that, too. And if all else fails, we'll turn the small room into the bedroom!
My computer is still in boxes so no current projects at the moment.
The cable here is so's amazing. And I thought comcast was fast.
Mocha, hellur, I miss you!
No one to badmouth this week...well, maybe...I do not appreciate being hounded for cds from someone who has 3 djs at his bar, and constantly hounded for drag mixes by his bf (especially considering it's the competition), and then told that the queens there can not get paid and leave until that bar closes, that keeps them from coming to the Q afterwards and bringing the crowd with them...that cuts into our Tuesday night...but I guess all is fair in love and business, right? I guess it's time to concoct a little advertising of our own...jesus...lawdamercy...I sound like Libertee Belle...with...exceeded...use...of....dotdotdot....I couldn't...figure out...why...she does that in every paper...until...I...remembered...her smoker's lung...time for bed, HM has spoken...!