From DJ Shelle, re: Upscale closing

Mar 14, 2006 21:43

Upscale Closing
This is the notice that Mark Camaro and Ron Jefferies sent to the community about the liquor license application. The meeting is Thursday at 4:00 on the 7th floor of the Municipal Building. If you can't come to the meeting please call Dennis Cole and tell him no to R2Z Inc. application. Thanks for the help. Michele

PS If you notice they have not put their names on anything.

Notice of Application
You are being notified that R 2 Z, Inc.
Doing Business as The Plush Horse
Located at 2021 Golf Rd, Huntsville AL 35802
Has applied for a City of Huntsville Privilege License to sell alcoholic beverages as a Class 4 Lounge-Liquor Establishment
This application will be reviewed by the City of Huntsville License Review Committee at a meeting on the 7th floor in the City Council Conference Room, City of Huntsville Municipal Building, 308 Fountain Circle, Huntsville, AL 35801 at 4:00 p. m. on March 16,2006.
As required by City of Huntsville Code, all owners and occupants of residences, businesses and other property within five hundred feet of any proposed licensed premise shall be notified at least forty-eight hours prior to the License Review Committee meeting at which said application will be reviewed. Any resident or business occupying property within five hundred feet of the licensed premise may be heard concerning this application. Also, any member of the public who wishes may be heard concerning this application. Any action taken by the Committee may be appealed to the City Council of the City of Huntsville by filing a Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Huntsville prior to the next regular meeting of the council. The appeal request must be delivered to:
City of Huntsville Attn: Dennis G. Cole 308 Fountain Circle, 3rd floor Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone (256) 427-5093
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