Oct 12, 2008 09:18

So I took my dreads out a couple of days ago. My hair is surprisingly undamaged I guess? But then I've put it through worse whatever that's worth. It is however stunningly thin my having pulled out like a months worth of hair all at once hair that I would have lost through combing etc. It was deja-vu though. Standing in the shower pulling out clumps of hair and remembering years of my fright-wig Cure-hair days.

I haven't had it cut/fixed/dyed yet however, I will soon. I've been pretty sick for the last week and I wanted that to pass before I saw much of anyone. Fortunately, odd coughing fits aside, I think it is, passing. It's been an uneventful and mostly lonely weekend.

I bought a lovely 30 year old mahogany hammered dulcimer. It can be hit, bowed or plucked and once it is delivered it'll have been nice knowing you all; I intend to get rapturously lost in stringed beauty.


[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
You think?

[02] Would you do Meth if it was legal?
Do you know or well understand where I worked? Meth isn't cute or for that matter only vaguely addictive and only to the weak. It's a disgusting poison. Go Google "meth mouth." And wow the sores caused from needles, smoking, and the OCD caused by the tweaking which makes them pick at their skin is all oh so attractive! I have been present through extreme DTs, withdrawals, and ODs. Not to even mention psychotic drugged behaviour. Meth dealers are scum, and can all go die now.

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
A woman's body is her own. And to me said "child" is a seed, a thing full of potential but no less of a parasite. Abortion as "birth control" I don't think is an awesome practice, but then neither does it piss me off. Again, it's her body, if she wants to destroy her insides with sheer stupid irresponsibility and multiple abortions, umm, oh well? Then again I also believe in enforced sterilization, this would end a lot of... that.

[04] What about if you get pregnant when you are over 35 and things get really scary?
See above.

[05] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Because the U.S. = the world? Why would a woman be any less intelligent or dumb, good or evil, corruptible or honorable etc as any male president?

[06] Do you believe in the death penalty?
Ironically given much of my usual hard-line stance(s) I don't particularly want to, but I kinda do. Some animals just need to be put down because there's no going back, you know?

[07] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I don't for a second buy into every users arguments of it's proactive nature and non-addictiveness and it's harmlessness and etc, fuck off. But yes absolutely legalize that shiza already.

[08] Are you for or against premarital sex?
Premarital sex would seem to be the only shot I've got?

[09] Do you believe in God?
Not for even a blip. Not for even a nanosecond. Not any God, anywhere, of any kind.
"We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder."
- Bill Maher, fired from ABC for the above.

[10] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
NO! Gays shouldn't have any rights to express their filthy love. That might give them things like family visitation rights in hospitals when their partners are dying. Fuck that. Umm, love needn't be illegal, this is where the supposed line between "church & state" is made of fail.

[11] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Borders cause wars, you know?

[12] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
It's a little hard to generalize there. However umm, no?

[13] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
It is 18 in Alberta. And should be everywhere.

[14] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Yes umm, war=bad mmkay? Besides eventually the U.S. is going to come in force for our oil-sands, may as well be sooner than later. Also Canadian girls are hot, and they need the parking space.

[15] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
I have watched multiple peeps(s) die slowly of cancer, and the same with someone with AIDS. Cancer or AIDS I lived with them and helped as best I could. Sitting in the hospital each and every night they & we weren't at home. Writing letters, reading books, listening to monitors & IV drips. Nodding at nurses and... waiting. From the beginning through to the end(s). And now that I'm older and hopefully stronger, if faced with it again I wouldn't hesitate to speed it up in any way possible. For that matter if I'm suffering? ... So no, it shouldn't be illegal.

[16] Do you believe in spanking your children?
I believe in spanking for adults. <--- What bittirsweet said.

[17] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Are you kidding? I might burn an American citizen for a million dollars.

[18] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
I'm really not informed enough on that front. However from what I have seen/heard I would definitely vote for Obama.

[19] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I'm pretty outspoken on the whole. And I've learned that many of my world-views frankly horrify people. And because I'm a pacifist who generally does try to avoid conflict, nor believes in upsetting people for shock value or because "I can," I'm capable of keeping most of them to myself social-grace. But my views are my views and I'm not ashamed of them so if there's anything you want to know go ahead and ask.


I'm spinning at Soda on Tue. the 14th. SFDE is playing live and he puts on a great & stompy Industrial show! Click the link & check out his new song. Cover at Electron Tuesdays is always free or rarely $2. Come out if you can. It'll be fun!


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