I generally feel like I should have reams and pages of updates to fill, but I... haven't? And I feel vaguely guilty about not having much to write. Well, at least that I will write about. I'm on one hand enjoying this time off I have, but on the other I'm not enjoying it because I feel like I should be accomplishing something, anything, and I'm not. I'm deeply anxious about the upcoming eventual job-hunt, even though it's not an issue right now. And for that matter even though it looks like I've probably already got another job, when I'm ready and if I do decide I want to go for it.
I'm going to visit family in Rimbey for the weekend so I probably won't have interwebs for a few days. And when I get back next week I'm going outta town again.
I loved this conversation I had with punk-rock-dready-Dan
Me: Where should I get my Neubauten tattoo finally?
Dan: I don't know, maybe on your chest?
Me: Are you kidding? I'm so skinny the needle would probably just puncture my breast-bone & sever my spine!
Dan: Then it'll be straight to your heart!
Me: OHMIGAWD! EN straight onto my heart that's perfect!
I tried to make it a comic but I can't even draw stick figures identifiably. *sigh*
I guess that's all I've got. In Sept I was offered a really well paying gig DJing an event for firemen at a fire-hall, heh. But I'll be seeing [:SITD:] in Edmonton so I had to say no. Too bad I actually think it would have been fun and I definitely would have gotten my picture taken climbing all over the trucks! Maybe I'll do that anyways, YaY for all the contacts I made at my ex-job.
I was "tagged" for this meme by
Rule A.) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule B.) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
I don't care I don't "tag" people. If you're looking for something to do then STEAL_THIS_MEME.
1. What are your reasons for having an LJ?
I...don't...know? The reasons were/are many and varied: I've kinda always used it in hopes it would inspire other more creative writings I guess. And when it was an issue & when my LJ wasn't friends-locked I promoted myself and my events. Sometimes I vent and other times I brag. Mostly probably it's taken on the quality in my life of a written history? If I ever bothered I could see where I was back when, and I appreciate that. It has certainly gone up & down in how "much" of my life I really expose. We like secrets.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Am I alone? ;p Okay, probably, shut-up This? Video games, Watch TV movies, masturbate, blast music and/or spin my DJ decks, whatever?
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
I don't dream of my wedding. Perhaps a simple
Church Of Virus or simply secular ceremony with a JOP. Or I'd elope!
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
I don't seem to have one. :p When I dream of moving it's to my solace underground.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Pretty equal parts of each probably? Depends on the context & how much I've had to drink.
6. Which is better, loving someone or being loved by someone?
These types of questions are stupid. Just sayin'
7. Do you trust easily?
I trust my gut pretty much. I'm human and I've been burned, but I find my instincts actually rarely let me down. If you give me a sharkey feeling I believe in it even if I don't necessarily know why. I either trust you or I don't, with remarkably little room to maneuver within that threshold. That being said the one thing I tend to be blind too is people's feelings for or about me changing over time, and the subsequent knowing when/if my borders should be closing because of mutated feelings or backstabby, whatever.
8. Meh.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Mainly my sudden departure from my job and the uncertainty that has brought.
10. What is your best quality?
*shrug* You tell me?
11. Is being tagged fun?
Certainly! I enjoy memes and anyways it doesn't happen often.
12. How do you see yourself?
In John Hughes terms I see myself as "Ducky," but deep down suspect I'm probably "the geek." If that confuses you go watch: Pretty In Pink, & Sixteen Candles, respectively.
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
You? My roommate for many & varied reasons. My family naturally. And my cast of close friends who well, haven't changed much over the years do I need to recite them? And the girly whom Miz_Charity called "my pet" which I thought was pretty cute. Man sometimes I sound like such a whore & I probably just wish I could be & be happy with that. Die Interimsliebenden
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A closeted kinky bitch? *cough* God love her <---added for her She's pretty sweet.
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Stupid. I don't believe in B&W, nor ideals, nor particularly in limits. I'll take what I can get-with the understanding that the horizon always moves with you-but reach for it.
16. Meh.
17. What's better, to give or to receive?
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Stupid unanswerable question[s].
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
I'd sue my geneticist since all I asked for was a few years taken off! Girlfriend(?) how quaint *sigh* oh umm I would be very proud and supportive as she had my abortion. /romance
20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite sex?
I don't think there was precisely that level of cutesy planning when I was conceived. *oops*
Oh and a while ago I said I wasn't drinking anymore? I'm a dirty liar on that front. But only beer, I've decided beer totally doesn't count. I'm just not getting blackout drunk anymore!
I guess that's all I've got. Hope everyone's weekend is awesome.
Oh and
nerf I hope you wanna see The X-Files movie more than once cuz I wanna see it with you ASAP!
And hey you, c'mere! *whips & snuggles*
PS: New band-name!
i will hide and you will hide
and we shall hide together here
underneath the bunkers in the row
i have water i have rum
wait for dawn and dawn shall come
underneath the bunkers in the row