TAG - you're it!

Apr 06, 2008 09:06

Tagged by: redlillia
The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you've been tagged' and tell them to read your latest blog. Since you can't tag me back.. let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see it.

I never actually bother with tags in these exercises when I'm told to; but I will this time. If I tag you and you've already been tagged or did it then well, c'est la and all that. And I'm not going to run around and tell people they've been tagged. They either read this or they don't. It's all good. Looking at my friends list I don't think very many people post here anymore anyways. Although those who do post quite often.
1. chainsofchaos
2. claravamp
3. david_lucifer
4. ennead_999
5. grrl_odd
6. ice_cherry_lips
7. maschinengeist
8. mekkavandexter
9. nerf
10. strange9to9

Okay, I actually thought about these.

1) I am deaf in my left ear. I had thought 100% deaf but when I had an ear app't last year it turns out that there is a very tiny-tiny amount of low frequency. I always assumed I was missing hearing in my "good" ear as well but I'm not, my right ear has a healthy range. What happens is that the tiny bit of tinnitus-like ambience in my "bad" ear resounds and echoes constantly, confusedly, and subconsciously within my head. Basically it's a cloud that has me constantly going "What? Sorry? Pardon me? Can you say that again?" I would like to think this only makes my DJing... spicier? *giggle* That reminds me I never did make it to a specialist, stupid me. When you've lived with whatever forever, you *I* just never think of it. Apparently I have options now, growing up the tech just wasn't there.

2) I was kicked out of High School in 1989 and they sent the police to my home, where my parents let them pointlessly search my room. All because I was as the principal put it: "running a Satanic cult." Goth didn't go over so well in the 80s. The cops did find roleplaying books though. Sure sign of eeevil intent. I went to Adult-Ed a few years later, and then eventually got into UofC via life experience.

3) Speaking of the above, I had my nose pierced in the 80s with one of those ear-piercing guns. Can you say screaming pain and oceans of blood? I wore my nose-ring off and on for 10-12 years. I actually still miss it. I also had a bunch of holes in both ears, more in the left.

4) For 3-4 years In my late teens I laid carpet, tile, and linoleum. I also did construction and golf-course landscaping in the early '90's, and I have worked at several auto & commercial glass installation shops-in Calgary and Edmonton well, I guess the shop was in Spruce Grove if I remember right, back in 2000. In spite of such I think of myself as ridiculously inept with tools. To the point of actually resenting having to put furniture or whatever together, or even just drive nails to hang pictures.

5) I'm ridiculously OCD. I have a twitchy obsession with both counting and with certain numbers for starters. It hit its peak in my teens when I grew almost paralyzed with the need to do things in "this" order, or "that" many times. Just leaving my house became a huge ridiculous chore. A caring ex-girlfriend and still friend 20 years later patiently helped me through it, she gave me suggestions to whittle it all down as it were. Really it just annoyed her too. It's still something I have to kind of fight not to slowly "take over" sometimes.

6) I have attempted suicide. Ugh that'll never happen again.

7) My "summer camp" experiences as a child consisted of:
My family were if not outright atheistic certainly didn't care and we didn't attend any kind of services. But we were poor and I took Kung-Fu in a neighborhood church's basement. One year I went to a summer camp which was presented to my parents and I as sort of a Kung-Fu retreat. Nope, it was however many weeks of endless preaching and tons upon tons of scary movies about "the rapture." Wow that was fun for a smart if sheltered & shy non-religious little kid! That was the end of those martial-arts lessons. Though I did take Aikido in my early teens.
Then the second camp I went to was in Grade 6 or 7, and it was a summer camp for "underprivileged" children. What this translated into is province-sponsored-terrorism for a kid who was already a huge target for every even without already being "underprivileged" bully he ever came near in his entire life.

8) I have kissed someone with AIDS and not been scared.

9) I have letters love-letters and otherwise, gig-posters, flyers, newspaper cutouts, concert tickets, so much crap going right back into the 80's. I don't throw out anything. On one hand I think it's kinda neat of me, and on the other moving a heavy and extensive paper-trail like that from apartment to apartment for 20 years has been a very tiring exercise, and in the last couple of years I've finally thrown-out//lost a bunch of it. Storing it all? What a mess. Fuck. Maybe that habit goes back to #5? ;P

10) I took years of guitar lessons. Yet now I not only cannot remember a single chord, I actually with rare exceptions despise heavy guitars in music; heavy metal or otherwise.

pictures, meme

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