Jan 31, 2011 13:51
It's time again for another To Do list.
To Do
• Get big cartel orders ready to mail
• Write both grandmas letters
• Put Reader Questions in the right part of the website and get ready to start the comic up again tomorrow
• Work on Monster Bones
• Email that agent to see if I can start calling her "my agent" yet
Skin Deep starts up again tomorrow (I may post the first page early because I'm EXCITED) and my nixie medallions are supposed to be coming in this week and I ordered five more charm designs and I've almost got my books print-worthy so EVERYTHING IS COMIN' UP KORY. I haven't decided yet if I want to use Modbuttons to print my buttons, or if I want to use Kate's button maker. Using Kate's maker would be cheaper, but Modbuttons does all the work for me. I don't know if I want to go the easy way and just spend the extra cash to not have to print and cut out buttons, or if I want to just bone up and do it myself. DECISIONS DECISIONS.