Testify (stream of consciousness)

Nov 26, 2007 16:25

Ok so every time I hear the beginning of "Badfish", though I know what song it is, it still makes me think of "Undone (The Sweater Song)" because at the beginning of that, when everyone is just chillin' out and talking, someone says "Man, life's so rad!" and I just think that's really funny. why would you say that? haha.
which reminds me of last night. I was playing Assassin's Creed (...Hollywood Video) and I was running around jumping, climbing and just testing stuff out, so I ended up shoving past this guy and jumping up to climb a wall behind him and in the background I could hear him turn and say "why would he do that?" with this really puzzled look on his face because everyone else was just walking around normally. It was funny. The game is awesome. and it looks amazing. I don't really mind the twist, in fact, it's quite explanatory. It's actually a really intricate idea that I'm excited to explore. 
Interestingly enough, the song on the radio right now, at the end of my post, is "I Will Follow You Into the Dark", which is quite a contrast to the Rage background music that I started off with.
I find that I use commas a lot. I guess I just forget that I'm still in the same sentence. which is stupid, because it's not like I don't know how to write. I always contemplate fixing up my grammar at the end of writing something (that's not an essay or a letter) but I usually don't becuase that's just how it fell out of my head. 
I think I've just been having a lot of long days. some sleep will be nice. end stream of consciousness.
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