Hail to Garland High School...

May 20, 2004 14:55

Today was my last real day. Last day. I passed Hicks' exam so my diploma is secured....for now. It didn't really hit that this was it my last year of high shool until now. Yeah we say cheish and live in the moment, but when you keep doing that you wake up and realize that the moment which seemed like yesterday was about three months ago. Like the pep rally pics, I can so totally tell you everything that happened that day because it feels like it was today. Football games, Bissett's class, there is so much more. But what's odd is that saying goodbye is going to be most difficult when I have to say goodbye to Chris, Kelli, and Heather Brainerd. They have in some way set an example in my Christian walk and I was seriously tearing up when I was signing Chris' yearbook because he has meant so much to me these past years without ever knowing it. I'm glad God has given me the chance now to tell Chris how much I aprpeciate him and how he has served as my role model to be a better servant of the Lord. So Chris...thanks. It's not hard for me to say goodbye to anyone else though probably because my main network of friends have been not high school kids. But several people have graduated early from college and are beginning their new paths without me which is sad because now they have fiances or mortgages to worry about. Even Rod has like real adult bills to worry about. It's so weird.
*Thanks for last night though. You made me so happy.I have never slept that good in several months and I don't think I've ever eaten that well since this summer. One day I promise but for now... I can't bring myself to think about it ok? Be patient with me and everything will work out as God intended.*
Now...nap then work.
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