May 17, 2004 14:54
It's so relaxing to come home after first period and just get caught up on errands previously pushed aside because of obligations to school. Hard to believe in one week from Thursday, I'll be walking across that stage with a diploma. Yet, it's bitter-sweet because four years of late-night study sessions, hours spent hunched over my homework, the disappointment of failing grades, the success of passing grades, and the time spent in the most uncomfortable desks EVER is all represented by one piece of paper. It's hard to fathom.
Sunday was a special day. One year ago this month I first stepped into NH with no concept of God and His awesome power and ability. Now I am on fire for God. We had a brunch after service women only to honor the graduates. We each had our own table, and I had Ms. Nydia, Linda and my MOTHER! with me. It was probably the most surreal moments in my life. It was wonderful though. To hear so much love and lauding from the people there...I've never felt so comfortable and God has truly truly blessed me.
I don't think David understands how self destructive I can be at times, and what a masochist I am. Shame. The scars aren't physical, but they're there.
I procured myself a new purse! 16 bucks at Kohl's, and it's awfully cute.I wanted to find an initial bag, but Kohl's had some REALLY ugly ones, so I think I'll venture forth to Foley's perhaps when I have the finances.
I need to go nap before work. I think I'm working with Vince so that won't be very pleasurable.
I love David Roark...who are you loving these day?