Oct 19, 2005 09:58
So, this weekend I went to Sacramento to visit Kyle (a boy I met at Burning Man this year).
The weekend was great. Relaxing. It's always nice to get away from L.A. every once in awhile.
The adventure began when I returned to the Sacramento Airport to fly home on Sunday night.
My flight was scheduled to leave Sacramento at 9pm, for a 10:15 arrival at LAX. I got to the airport at seven (Kyle had a two hour drive ahead of him, so I told him to leave then so he wasn't driving all night), checked in, and arrived at my gate to find that my flight had been delayed until 10:30. Yuck. An hour later the update was given that we would not be leaving until 11:30.
After four and a half hours (ish) of waiting, I boarded my plane.
Worst. Flight. Ever. From the start it was very turbulent. For some reason I could NOT get myself to stop thinking about it. Especially on the descent into LAX did the plane buck and roll. I am SO GLAD that it takes less than two hours to fly from Sacramento to Los Angeles.
So, anyway, into LAX at 1am. It was raining. I had, of course, called Brett and Summer by this time to tell them not to bother picking me up at the airport almost three hours late. Instead I waited for a Super Shuttle. Luckily I didn't have to wait long. However, I was the last one in, and the last one to get dropped off. First we were off to South Central, then it was downtown. The last stop before mine was Duarte. And the WHOLE TIME I had two old men yapping in my ear because they heard the driver say I was going to Monrovia, and one of them used to live in Monrovia, so apparently that gives them license to ask me question after question after question. If it had been 1pm, I would have happily obliged. However, it was 1am, and I was tired. I smiled and nodded a lot.
The only good thing about getting in so late and having to drive around Los Angeles for two hours (that's right, I got home at 3am) was the lightning. HUGE forks constant across the sky. Awesome. And the thunder all that night after I was home and snug in my bed...brutal and loud.
I didn't go in to work on Monday till noon. All afternoon I watched the lightning and the rain. The sky was brown and green and yellow, and we even got a short hail burst. I love thunderstorms.