Jan 23, 2006 19:56
Yesterday I turned 19. What a sucky age, I think 19 and 20 are just about THE worst ages of all time!! But I'm not going to complain. Its good enough becuz I had the greatest weekend! I could have sworn this birthday was just gonna be a lonely sad one but it was the complete opposite! My girls here at ASU take very good care of me and my mother spoiled me rotten!
Lets see. Here's the recap of my birthday weekend, and yes...I celebated allll weekend.
> Me, Amanda, Sara and DeAnna all went to eat at Rainforest Cafe. What a trip LOL. Its like you're sitting in a jungle. PLUS we got this super cute waiter from South Africa. Hott accent BTW. And no he wasn't black LOL. Got a sweet volcano desert, took plenty of pictures and heard the birthday song, err Rainforest Cafe style.
> After our animal shananagins. Me and the girls went to Fascinations: A HUGE SEX STORE!! OMG...Now I've been to porn stores before but this one was the Mother. It was awesome. Didn't buy anything, although I may go back to purchase those handcuffs hrmm. Well Sara bought me a badass belt buckle that says "wasted" on it and its also a bottle cap opener. I can't wait to try it out!!! But I wont devirginize it till SPRING BREAK BABY!
> Umm later that evening I got super super smashed with Sara and DeAnna. We even invented our own drink but it's a secret :) Parts of the nights are extremely fuzzy but all I know is that: we got drunk, ended up at the hookah bar, plenty of drunk dialing, met an asian kid and I passed out in Saras bed.
Saturday and Sunday:
> I spent the rest of the weekend at my moms. Met my mom's boyfriends son. Yes I'm not comfortable saying "step brother." Nonetheless, he's sweet, he's 20, he's gay.
> My mom gave me $1000!!! So I was super super shocked and extremely grateful. I went out, did A WHOLE LOTTA shopping (dont worry I didnt spend a lot) and yeah. Went out to eat a couple of times. A very spoiling weekend :)
> I came back to the dorm Sunday evening. Then the girls and I went to the hookah bar for a good while and then we ate some In & Out. Aww, there were even balloons!! :)
So it was definetely a good one. I still wish I could have celebrated WITH EVERYONE but I was still very very content. Besides, I think I'm planning a trip back home in mid Feb so I'll celebrate ONCE AGAIN back home with all my Mexicans!! Besides, I think I'm in need of a Juarez fix haha!