So I think I may have managed to create a pretty decent feature article. I've still gotta put it onto publisher and proofread it, and make sure it actually sounds good and that I'm not just saying that because I just finished rearranging it and am tired as hell. But yes, I think it's decent. Better than before at least. Reading those many articles actually did some good. :D
So now I am off, shower and bed. School tomorrow :/
I really just want to sleep in bed all day. I think I am getting sick. Bleh.
Bye bye, good night now, sweet dreams,
Dizzy xoxo
BTW: My userpic currently is Kitty Pyrde, from X-Men (and I just recently bought X-Men 2 as well!), thought you might be interested in knowing that. this one isn't it, but I LOVE Kitty :D just something to brighten up my night.
Urghhh, I should really know where this pic is from. but I don't. Naughty me, I should take down where I take these from. Sorry, it wasn't intentional! And maybe I'll leave you with a quote too!
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching. ~ Anonymous.
Taken from: Check it out. There's some good quotes.