oh dear...

Mar 31, 2011 21:17

... realised I today when on phone to imyril that not only am I very tired and not quite recovered from last week's work-whilst-having-tonsillitis, I have only seen friends once since I started my new contract.  That was one evening in early March.

Right now I'm tired, quite low, and generally a bit sad.  I'm trying not to beat myself up about lack of exercise - I know this will make me feel a bit better, but I have to accept that I'm getting over illness and starting back again next week will be ok.

I really do love my work and this contract is being awesome (unlike the madness of last year).  I'm learning a lot and the project itself is exactly what I would have wished for.  It's just taking a lot out of my mentally as I'm spending around 6 hours a day running intense needs-analysis interviews, and another 3 or 4 traveling or doing normal work.

This would be ok if I had gotten some balance by seeing my friends, but instead I've been focusing on getting early nights and resting.  This is good to a point, but I miss my friends and I'm going to make sure I see people regularly from now on.


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