Tonight, I'm in a raaaaage

Jul 09, 2007 22:12

OMG I just want to kill people!!

Nicole is driving me fucking mental! How can someone be so fucking selfish and self-absorbed and arrogant and ignorant and stubborn?! I just hate her, I really do. Demanding lifts everywhere, expecting me to spend MY money on HER food cos she's too much of a screb to get a job!? Bringing her fucking scrounging bastard mates round and feeding them too. Leaving me to feed all the fucking pets, including hers, and clean up etc. etc. I just want to stab her lots.

That and I lost my purse with all my cards in and £50! FIFTY FUCKING QUID. That's like a third of the money I own, and it's fucking gone. Tried everywhere I've been today, it's not been handed in, and I'm still waiting for the police to ring me back. "Leave your name and number and an officer will contact you". Have they? Fuck no. Wankers. So I'm going to go and see them tomorrow and see if they've got it but I don't think I'll have any luck.

Ah well, such is life. Fucking life. Argh.

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