It's a horse with a sword on it's head that guards my hopes and dreams...

Mar 21, 2007 18:40

Life isn't amazing but it could be a lot worse. Things are still good with Sam (2months today!) even though we're having some tiny little snappy fights at the moment because we're both having a bad week or two at the moment. Roll on Easter holidays I say! But we make up easily and there's none of the immature grudge bearing I've had the mispleasure of tolerating in the past so for once I'm actually in a 'normal' relationship! Woo!

Managed to get my essay finished and in for Tuesday despite the odds being completely against me! I was 1000 words over the limit but I think I might have gotten away with it, although the content might be a bit shit. Low grades here I come!

Got to see my dissertation tutor tomorrow at 11.30am and collect my data in the afternoon which gives me 12-2 to try and finish the essay I should have started yesterday *cough*. Failing that, I can pull an all nighter on Thursday after cleaning my house out ready for handing over the keys on Friday morning at 11am. After that, it's handing in my essay, working, and then the worlds most deserved lie in on Saturday.

Next weeks plan so far is to go to Sheffield with Sam on Tuesday after which he'll go on to Barnsley and I'll come back to Bolton ready to go to Ipswich Wednesday morning and then on to my nans before coming back Sunday night. It will be my longest time apart from Sam ever *gasp*. I'm sure I'll cope.

That then leaves me 2 weeks to write my dissertation... ahem...

Booked graduation tickets but not bought robes yet. Still job hunting, nearest trainee psychologist assistant job is in Durham... yeah, that's what I thought. Failing that, Wales. So I'm just looking for any full time job possible to keep me in money until I find a psych job tbh.

And that's my update over. I'm sure you were all thrilled.
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