Over this period of time i have done many things, i have played and beat American McGees Alice, fell more in love with my lover ^_^, and got a nasty ass cold...a real nasty ass mother fucking cold. ANYWAY! QUIZ ^_^
You are StrongBad. You hate everyone, especially
HomeStar. Your e-mails and prank calls are
hilarious. You're my favorite character. You
try to be evil, but sorry, being shirtless with
boxing gloves just isn't scary. Don't worry
what everone else thinks because hey, they are
all "crap for brains".
What HomeStarRunner Character are you? (pictures) brought to you by
Quizilla Oh yes, before i forget..im adding a rant section...so here it is..
RANT OF THE DAY: What the fuck is with newbs always talking in caps in d2? Are they TRYING to get made fun of or laughed at? Oh and the begging, I musn't forget that. "PLEASE GIUVE MER FREWE STUFF" HAHA..no. So remember kids, if ur a newb, please dont go ahead and make yourself known to all with your newbness. Have a nice day.