Feb 15, 2005 22:08
Today I had to trek all the way over to the opposite side of campus for assessment day. Being the wonderful university tradition that it is, all students are given the day off, and then forced to participate in a three-hour standardized test. Not only was I forced to endure three hours of mind numbing testing, parts of which included answering the same five questions phrased in a different ways, asked twenty different times each, but I had to bubble in my name and student identification number SEVEN different times on SEVEN different scantrons. To top the entire proceedings off, I started going blind.
Halfway out to ISAT I noticed a blind spot in my vision. A fuzzy section of my sight that while able to distinguish colors was not able to distinguish form. My first thought was that my eyes must be tired. I wear contacts and every once in a while things get abruptly fuzzy for no reason at all, other than that my eyes need a break. But once they've cooled their heels for a minute my vision always comes back to clarity. So I did what I normally do, I blinked a few times and waited for my eyes to focus again, and found.... that the spot had moved further up my eye. The spot continued to move around, but it never left my sight. By the time I had reached ISAT I began to consider the fact that I might be going blind. Since there was nothing I could do about the fact, for the moment anyway I decided to ignore it. Three hours of testing later, which was probably enough to induce vision problems in the strongest of corneas, I still had the blind spot. Walking back to my dorm, I removed the contact from the offending eye and held it up to the light. On the contact was the slightest layer of film. Film that had been obscuring my vision for the last three and a half hours.
Conclusion: I am not going blind. However that does not change the fact that if I lived before the age of invention, in the middle ages I would be dead having walked into a well, or off a cliff.