I forgot that this prompt was coming up so I posted a couple of stories on Sunday. That still counts, right?
Worlds Apart (Godzilla)
My father introduced me to that other giant green rage monster when I was little; he used to watch the movies on rainy afternoons (he worked construction, so he was home when it rained) and all-day-Saturday marathons. My absolute favorite will always be the original Godzilla movie with Raymond Burr, though I also like the Japanese movie it's based on, too. So when Legendary Pictures announced a new Godzilla movie, I was on board. After that first watch, we've seen it every few months when we need a good escapist movie. This story just expands on a story beat within the movie, and one that's probably my favorite of all the Godzilla movies ever made.
The Sock Zone (Star Trek)
This is pure, unadulterated crack. I've never written crack before, so it was a fun exercise. The idea sprang out of a conversation I had with my dad. You see, my mother had two black socks left over after her load of laundry, but they weren't matches for each other. I got to wondering where all those missing socks go. Dad helpfully pointed out that the Sock Zone is out there somewhere. I speculated that somewhere on the other side of the galaxy is an entire society wearing socks on their heads because they have so many of our lost socks that they have to do something with them, and then I wondered what the Enterprise crew would make of that. Thus a story is born.