Snowflake Challenge 2021 - Challenge #4

Jan 07, 2021 13:38

Challenge #4: Create Some Goals

I sat down at my desk this morning and wrote a long, rambly piece about goals and why you should set them. I even took a bit of a dive down the rabbit hole of my own relationship with goals.
Ultimately, I decided against posting that piece. Mostly because I think it's too long for the purposes of this challenge, and partly because I think it deserves its own post because goal-setting is really important for personal and professional growth. Or so they tell me.
I did lay out my writing plans in my New Year's post, as I usually do, but this challenge made me think about whether or not those plans constitute goals. So, in the interest of actually setting some goals that I can objectively track, I made a list.
1. Write a minimum of 12 short stories (defined as between 2-5k words)
2. Complete all three Rough Trade challenges in 2021
3. Complete and post my Quantum Bang story for 2021
4. Write and post one additional long-form story (defined as 10-20k words)
5. Word total for 2021: 250k
Do these goals scare me a little? Yes. And they should. Do I think they're achievable? I've done each one of those at various points in the last twenty years, though not all in the same calendar year. But that's the point. I'm stretching myself. We'll see how it goes.

snowflake challenge, notes from the real world

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