Snowflake Challenge 2020 - Challenge #14

Jan 28, 2020 10:13

Snowflake challenge #14: Share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme.

I have a list.
I made this list years ago, of all the kinks, tropes and ideas that really turned me on. My intent was to write a story (or two or three) for each one. I'm about halfway through the list now, but I'd forgotten it until I saw the post for Challenge 14. So, I dug it up and I'm posting it here. Feel free to share links for stories you've found that fit into this list. I'm always happy to find a new story based on one of the things in my list.
1. Suits - I love-LOVE-a man in a suit and tie. And a tuxedo? Yum. Trade up for a man in uniform? Swoon. Plus, this has the added benefit of adding layers of clothing that need to be pealed off in order to get to the man underneath. It's like opening a present. Mmmmm... I think I need a cold shower...
2. Cologne - I love a man who smells good. Put a guy in some really good smelling cologne and then parade him past me, and I'll follow him anywhere. There is nothing more sexy than a man that smells good, in my opinion.
2. Threesomes - Two men, one woman, all kind of sexy. I suppose, for the same reason I like slash-the idea of two sexy men kissing while I watch makes me want to swoon-I also like the idea of two men focusing all that sexual energy on not just themselves but also a woman. It pings my het gene and my slash gene at the same time.
3. Wall Sex - Nghh, I love me some wall!sex! It's the spontaneous nature of it-this isn't what you had planned, but you just can't help yourself. It's the frenzy, the barely-pushed-aside clothing, the deep penetration, the almost collapsing on the floor afterwards. Yeah, I think I need a smoke.
4. Vampires - The act of biting someone for gratification turns me on to no end. And being undead, with all the enhanced abilities that go with it is all kinds of sexy. I'm not a fan of all types of vamp fiction, but the ones I do love all have that noble hero thing going for them.
5. Telepathy - I think the attraction here is the sharing, the knowing and being known. You can't hide from a telepath, so everyone becomes an open book. No mysteries as to why people do what they do. And the sharing of all that layered with the passion of sex is a recipe for overload.
6. Accents/Foreign languages - What can I say? A man with an accent is sexy. A man who can speak to me in a foreign language is doubly so. I love the scene in A Fish Called Wanda when John Cleese's character is speaking multiple foreign languages as foreplay with Jamie Lee Curtis' character. Hot, hot, hot!
7. Skin - For some reason, lately I've been gravitating to stories that describe full skin contact, or playing hands over skin. Anything that describes the way skin feels, the sensations of touching and being touched drives me nuts. It's so sensual and sexy. It doesn't even have to be sexual, though I prefer it that way.
8. Marriage - Whether it's accidental (we got drunk, we got married), on purpose (posing as a married couple as part of a plan) or shotgun (we have to get married, or else bad things will happen), I love seeing all the chaos that can be wrought when two people who are attracted to each other wind up married. Let the fun and games begin!

snowflake challenge, notes from the real world

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