fucking cunt

Oct 18, 2003 01:08

im seriously just sick of the human race.
well, 90% of it anyway.
seriously, 90% of you are just plain STUPID
and would be better off as an animal or plant with no common sense or brain activity.

I don't know why I even bother with trying to fix whats wrong with society. Theres so much bullshit all over the place, you can't even walk 3 feet without stepping in some.

I'm so sick of the liars, and the cheats, and the fake people in the world. I seriously just want to pull a hitler and kill em all. I.E. how can a police officer enforce the law and then break it? HIPPOCRITdie.

I think the world should just come to an end. Seriously, it's gone on for long enough, I've experienced everything good in this world.
thats it.

I am in a rather cynical and annihilating mood. Get in my way and i will destroy you.

Oh yea....and boys....YOU FUCKING LIE
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