Kris and I just celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary, and to mark the occasion, we got a PlayStation 3. Nevermind that I've been railing against Sony for years now, and that we'd previously agreed to get an Xbox. The red ring of death scared Kris away, and he decided he'd rather tackle the iffy Six Axis controller rather than risk a faulty machine.
So, we hooked it up. We oohed and aahed at how pretty it is on our HDTV. Then we learned the hard way that a PS3
will frickin' KILL a Linksys WRT54G router. Oh, sure. The exact router we happen to have. I spent most of today getting all that sorted out, taking at least two years off my life.
But the pay-off is worth it. Kris is playing Call of Duty online, and what do we hear? Someone's headset is picking up background noise, and he is being royally chewed out by some authoritative-sounding female, I'm guessing his mom. First, she was banging on the door (or maybe the walls, couldn't tell), then she was yelling, and finally the yelling got quite loud and shrill. It was awesome entertainment. :P