I've got to get on here more often

Nov 24, 2007 22:46

If I still have any friends out there, I am doing well. I am still working for William Muhr, LLP, but I got a promotion. I am now the Building Manager and Marketing Director. It's an awesome job. It takes up sooo much of my time. One of the reasons why I'm never on here. I'm not allowed to get on here at work like I thought I would be able to. You guys have seriously got to add me on myspace. I am on there everyday. I don't blog everyday or anything like that, but definetly more than I do on here.

Anyway, Danny and I are still together. He leaves for Iraq in 6 days. We're going to stay together. We've talked about it a lot and have decided thats what we want to do.

My parents are doing well. My dad lost his job, but hes already in the process of finding a new one. And the pharmecutical industry is up and down so it wasn't like he did something lame and got fired. The company just downsized.

The other day was Thanksgiving. Danny and I went to my parents house. Funniest thing happened...my parents were going to show us pictures from their trip to Hawaii, and my dad plugged in the camera to the TV and started flipping through. Well...they weren't pictures from Hawaii...rather pictures of my mom sans clothing. It was mortifing. Danny has now seen my mother naked. It was afwul. And quite amusing.

Today, Danny and I went to see Mr. Mangorians Magic Emporium. It was awesome. Good movie. i love Dustin Hoffman. Then we drove around. We went to Jareds to look at jewelery and I almost cried over the beautiful diamonds they have there. :( Sigh. Someday.

How is everyone out there?? Please let me know your still alive! I really promise to try to get on here more often!!

I'm going to get in bed with my soldier boy while I still have him!!
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