It happens

Mar 08, 2006 17:08

This certainly has been a trip…

I’ve a love for spider webs, for the similar patterns of thought, for having some people to discuss them with, for writing them down, and for sketching their connections however I see fit.

The spider(s) in Cole’s room… (I only ever see one.. it rotates in the corner…) I think I can remember a time when that red illumination might have unnerved me… or I may be hastily filling in gaps of time I can’t quite remember. …whatever.

That’s not the point. Specifically because there wasn’t one.. it was just some fleeting thought. They happen. A lot.

My English class is ever-entertaining. Whenever I do go, Mrs. Bryant isn’t in there and everyone falls in just where they belong… even myself, sad as it is. It doesn’t really bother me though, not like it used to. Who wants to be apart of the cliché? Then I think, “Fuck it.” The thing about clichés and stereotypes is that they got that status for a reason. I seriously can see that entire class in the after-school sitcom of my nightmares. What was hilarious was that the day that it really came to light, I felt uber-goth and went with the corset and something red. Sometimes, it fits too well.

Name fascinations: Sydni and Harley. Just noting for future reference.

Jonathon is on a slight borderline. He seems interesting, someone I can relate to and have ample conversation with. No matter how clear I make it that I have no intentions of entertaining any kind of relationship that might threaten mine and Cole’s relationship, Jonathon persists on pushing it.

I say “..hang out..”.
He says “…date…”.
I correct him. He reluctantly acquiesces and I ponder at what he might be becoming.

For suddenly, I’ve noticed an overwhelming balance. Seeing the way things pan out, how fair some things really are. You can look at things around you and, sometimes, find logic in madness and tragedy. Ex. Humans are the only creatures on earth capable of completely morphing the world that spawned them. However with that power, there comes the destruction of the natural continuity of the ecosystem. Basically, humans have the ability to take it one step further, but its one step further than our world can take. It’s mathematic. A positive plus a negative equals nothing. A balanced equation. Logic.

Back to the previous point, as one idle (perhaps trivial) distraction in my romantic sphere dissipates, someone else tries to get in the way. The position is filled and I didn’t know they were hiring.

I like riding on the back of motorcycles. I like watching the sky change colors, the winds change, the cityscape go from an all-too-urban ghetto to why-the-hell-do-these-people-waste-that-much-money suburbia hell and then to Hickory Hollow.. for barbeque and a salad.. most of the time I just get a lot of salad.. with lots of sliced pickles.

I want salad.
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