Sep 23, 2006 20:39
I have had a lovely week at Butlins (yeah I know don't laugh), it was just nice to get a way for a few days. Littlin absolutely loved it especially Bob the Builder. It was the first time in a long time that me and my other half hadn't had an argument (well since his son has moved in)we never used to argue at all before that. Still we have been back less than 24 hours and he's stressing out and being snappy. Still at least B (the step son) hadn't burnt the house down and my cats were still alive and happy. Am looking forward to Monday am meeting up with my friend from work for coffee, so it will be great to chill out and have a chat.The only down side was I had the most painful and horrendous stomach bug on Friday just before we left for home still 4 imodium did the trick. But it has left my stomach a bit tender and me feeling a bit washed out so I am off to bed for an early night as I am shattered.