Sep 29, 2004 22:40
Not sure how I feel about how things are panning out.
Still haven't heard from Brad. I've called him and e-mailed him. Although, I don't know if I e-mailed to the right address and I don't know if he changed his phone to a Florida number. I don't know. And that's what is killing me...not knowing. I'm kinda worried because of all the storms and stuff that are happening all over Florida. He's toast if he doesn't call me soon.
School is going okay. I need to go more often. I am doing decent, but if I am going to pay up the butt for it, I better start making a better effort.
Work is going good. I really like working there. It has taught me a lot and I've met a lot of awesome and brilliant people.
My nephew is so cute! I need to post more recent pictures. His hair is so red. He smiles so much! Tender.
I think I may finally be getting a fourth roommate. No one has come to look at it since school started, except one. But there was a girl that came today that seemed extremely interested. We'll see what happens.
Still haven't gotten my $50 from my old roommate. I want to kick her in the shins. Hard.
Pretty sure that my car is about ready to croak. My fuel pump needs to be replaced and it's getting worse and worse...
My home teachers came over and introduced themselves. They are super nice. They actually came over Sunday and Tuesday(the second time so that they could meet my roommate, Krysti). They are really easy to talk to and one of them offered to change my fuel pump :)
Everyone mark in your calendars and make friday night at 7:30 free and open. Oh yeah, there's a hockey game. It's USU vs. Weber, which I hear is extremely vicious and exciting. I am so there.
This weather. Much needed, but not wanted.
I'm pretty sure that we all need to hang out. ("We" meaning Kelsie, Holly, Mart, Davis, etc. etc. etc.) And soon.
Things will get better.