artist's statement for junior photo show:

Apr 06, 2005 07:46

Just Like a Fairytale or Cinderella

Some little girls never grow up.

They hold onto childish dreams about fairytale princesses and "happily ever afters." They see everything in a palette of colors and soft light. To them, their world is constantly vivid and beautiful, fun and delightful. Those same little girls hang onto their hopes and wishes, to their tiaras and magic, and to their fancy ball gowns and glass slippers.

Being one of those little girls, Linda enjoys incorporating her theatrical side with girlish whims. Taking a classic fairytale that transcends all races and cultures--the story of the little cinder-girl with a big heart and magical shoes, she takes the chance to step into those slippers. It is a tale that has its own version in each culture, each reader making it their own as they become caught up in the daydream. In Just Like a Fairytale, Linda takes the chance to experiment with that idea and a fantastical identity. She sets the stage with the proper costumes, props, and herself -- because this princess is still waiting patiently for her "happily ever after."

(c) dizzybeautiful April 2005

photography/photos, writing

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