May 23, 2006 23:00
Ok so being a big believer in fate and life giving me signs I just opened my bedroom door to find a toilet roll placed directly outside o_0. What is the cosmos trying to tell me? My life is poo? I'll be used and flushed away? or could it possibly be my mums hint of 'when you go down stairs like you do every night for god knows how many cups of coffee take this with you' Sure mum >_>?
Some random final notes
* JIMMY IS GONE!!! I'll miss his funnyness. please don't take Uesato Ryota with you though ok?
* Do you spell Tego's SC nickname TESHI or TESSI? cuz Tessi looks slightly ghey lol
* What the hell has happened to Massu???? did he read my fic and suddenly discover Sexyness cuz that recent Myojo shoot is hot hot hot!!.