Some of my worst hidden secrets are:
1. I get obsessive over really weird shit. And by obsess, I don't mean I just take a mild interest. I go crazy.
2. I am a HUGE nerd for cartoons. Particularly late 80's and all 90's Disney and Warner Brothers cartoons. Ducktales and Animaniacs FTW.
3. My obsessions may fluctuate but they never truly go away.
Why am I bringing this up?
Darkwing Duck....comic....back in publication.....*fanswoons*
I'm getting this shit when it comes out in trade paperback. And no, I;m not downloading it for free like I do everything else, either. I'm buying it. With money. This is serious shit, guys!!!!!!!
*fangasmes all over the place*
In other news, work. It kills me :( and my brother and I just got into a fight because I use bittorrent for approximately six hours a night to download cartoons for our eight year old brother for Christmas (and partially for me too >.>) between midnight and six in the morning, while my brother gets to hog the bandwidth from six in the morning until midnight that night while I'm sleeping, at work, patiently waiting my turn, or off doing other stuff. I set that limitation on myself for his benifit because I thought it would stop him from pitching a hissy fit like the one he did tonight. I gave him ahead of time warning, too, and he agreed to it. He's mad at me for using the bandwidth for six hours a night. SIX HOURS A FUCKING NIGHT! THE LITTLE FUCKING BASTARD DOESN'T WORK, HE'S OUT OF SCHOOL, HE PISSES AND MOANS WHEN I USE THE MOTHER FUCKING BANDWIDTH UP AND HE IS STILL BUGGING MY ABOUT WHEN WE'RE GOING TO GO SEE A MOVIE NEXT, A MOVIE I'M PAYING FOR, BY THE WAY, SO WE CAN GO OUT AND EAT A FORTY DOLLAR MEAL OF SUSHI AFTERWARD, AND, OH YEAH, I STILL NEED TO BUY HIM A CHRISTMAS PRESENT, AS HE KEEPS REMINDING ME, AND HEY, WHY DON'T I BUY HIM USELESS SHIT ON THAT STUPID MOBA PIECE OF CRAP HE'S BEEN PLAYING RECENTLY. AND I'M THE ONE WHO'S TOTALLY BEING SELFISH HERE.
That spoiled little fucking bitch, I wish I could kick his fucking face in without feeling bad about it afterward.....*le sigh* >:/ and then of course, he goes and downloads games for three days in a row off bittorrent and tells me I can't do anything on the internet while he's doing it because it slows it down to much. He's fucking rich, and not in the money kind of way, either. I'm not a bad sister, I'm not. I'm much fucking nicer to him than he really deserves. He says he wants to hang out with me, fine. I do what he wants, when he wants. I do stupid shit for him because it's easier than listening to him bitch about it later. But I want to do something that MIGHT interfere with his gaming time? nooooooooope.
Mother fucking piece of shit. Well guess what? I'm not going to get up early tomorrow morning to pause my downloading, just for him, like I was going to, and like I've been doing. To bad for him. He'll have to deal with it.
End Bitching
I'm in a mixed mood right now, can you tell?