Nov 16, 2010 23:13
I have these two friends who are a few months and a year younger than me, respectively. One of them I met at college when we had a class together and for whatever reason, she randomly adopted me, not that I'm complaining. Later, she introduced me to a long time friend of her's, and we've been pretty good pals ever since. It's hard to believe that was almost three years ago. Anyway, being poor, I was worried about what I'd get them this Christmas; I can barely afford to get cool stuff for my family, so what was I going to do about me friends? SO then an idea came to Idea that actually made me cringe, because I knew right from the start how this was going to turn out.
See, these two tend to be absolutely obsessive when they latch onto something they like. And by obsessive I mean the scary rabid kind. They are fangirls to just this side of extreme. Right now, their One True Love is the Jonas Brothers. Granted, they are technically to old for the Jonas Brothers, but when I worked at Hot Topic, I had forty year old mothers who would talk to me for forever about the merits of Edward vs. Jacob and why Edward was the more perfect guy and how much he obviously loved Bella and stuff like that, so two barely twenty year olds liking a band aimed at teenagers isn't really all that bad. And it's not that I have a deep seated dislike for the Jonas Brothers either- the show is cute, and if I happened to flip to it, I'd watch it, no problem, and their songs aren't nails on a chalkboard terrible either. I'm just really sick of hearing about them. But, My friends LOVE THEM OMG SQEE!!!!! (and I feel kind of bad making fun of them like that, but it's not meant maliciously so much as in fond exasperation)so I decided that, for Christmas, right here on LJ, I would make them....*sighes* a Jonas Brothers Dating Sim/Choose Your Own Ending Fanfiction. But not just any Jonas Brothers Dating Sim/Choose Your Own Ending Fanfiction, oh no! See, one thing I HATE about dating sims and personality quiz type things and choose your own whatever is that you're not really making to drastic a choice when you choose something, and a lot of the time, you can guide your answers to the conclusion you want. There's no surprise on it. Like, for example, if I went on a 'What Harry Potter Character Are You' quiz, you may have the standard, non-effort involved questions like 'What is your favorite color' to which such brilliant answers might be given as 'Red' 'Green' 'Blue' and 'yellow.' Naturally, should I want to be named Slytherin, all I would then have to do is choose 'Green' and keep picking accordingly. I hate hate hate HATE it when you can guide your responses. So, going with my normal over achiever attitude, I decided that this was going to be one of the most complicated, elaborate, impossible-to-guide your answers thingy in the history of....thingies.
Of course, now that I actually have to write and construct the damn thing, I'm kicking myself in the ass for even thinking of it. Buuuuuuuuut I already told them about it, so now I have to do it XD Ah well, I made my bed. Now I have to puzzle through how the hell I'm supposed to lay in it. And it is for my will just be a looooooong time in coming.
On a completely different note, I went and saw Megamind for the second time tonight. I think I'm in love with this movie. It has everything I love: References, well handled jokes and humor, including some good running gags, awesomtacular old school soundtrack, including 'Highway to Hell,' 'Welcome to the Jungle,' 'Crazy Train' and more. But most of was a Superhero movie (already one of my favorite genres) in which the Villain was the protagonist. HELL YEAH!!!! I always root for the villain! (well, ok, almost always. They have to be a well constructed villain, and they have to be likable. And NO, being likable and being a good person are not the same thing.)
If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should. Even the second time watching it I was laughing so hard I nearly choked on my twizzler.
GO WATCH MEGAMIND NOW! But NOT in 3D!!! 3D is a stupid gimmick that should hurry up and fade back into 70's obscurity again! NOW!!!!
writer's block,
jonas brothers,
christmas present,
dear diary,