Jan 18, 2008 10:19
We've had the issue of Japanese whaling in the spotlight this week thanks to two Greenpeace activists being held hostage on board a ship after they boarded it to hand over a petition. Brave and stupid in equal measure in my opinion. The Japanese aren't known for respecting others' opinions when it comes to whaling and there have been incidents where they've tried to destroy Greenpeace vessels.
"Although relations have remained cordial between the respective governments, the Australian Federal Court earlier in the week ordered Japan to stop hunting and killing whales anywhere around its coastline or off Australian Antarctic territory.
However, the court noted that unless the Japanese whalers entered Australian jurisdiction where they could be seized, there was no practical way the order could be enforced."
It's becoming an issue the general public feels strongly about and I spotted a tshirt the other day that said "Save the whales! Eat the Japanese." It amused me but I wouldn't recommend it. :D We have a thriving whale watching industry here and there are very few people who actually think killing whales is ok, even a lot of Japanese citizens don't think it's acceptable. I watched a tv show that showed that many didn't even realise what their countrymen were doing and certainly didn't want to eat whale meat as part of their culture.
I was lectured (as opposed to having a conversation) by a taxi driver yesterday and he is of the opinion that nothing can change because the government will always give in to big business interests. True enough that big business has the ear of the government but at the same time if we all give up without a fight then of course nothing will ever change. I can be cynical at times but damn, this man was a pessimist!
On another note, I was watching The Colbert Report a couple of nights ago and he interviewed a young man who's just started this website. It's only been up for about a week but I like it already. :) www.bigthink.com