Morgy without a M..orgy????

Sep 11, 2005 21:10


I havent written in forever. I havent had time with tennis and soccer and all the homework i already have...especially with juel omg it sucks lol. We had a tennis tournament this weekend in Albion, we got second. Everyone did really well..especially Morgan with her 31/2 hour match! She did amazing. I however SUCK i should NOT be 3rd singles. Singles is alot different and your supposed to be good when your 3rd and i am not. Its so frusterating ive like begged Hicks to play lower because i HATE losing! It sucks I really dont even want to play anymore..especailly after someones mom said something to mine at the soccer game today!!

Which brings me to soccer lol i LOVE soccer and our team! Its weird because i havent really played with most of these girls that much but our game today was really fun we lost by one but in the first half it was 0-4 i think and then we came back kinda and it was 3-4, it was fun though!

Laura, me, and Jiz went to the beach! It was like one of the best days ever! I actaully the lake and i NEVER do that! It was crazy like i barely even freaked out. It was 2 hrs away though but the car ride was pretty fun. We tried to listen to all the Now's we could and we got to 9 i think and like Britney spears is on almost all the ones we listened too!!

My dad still hasnt even looked for the part to fix my car!!! I'm soo pissed! He's like never home soo when he is..he like i dont no doesnt get stuff for my car!! Its cool he bought me a car..i like it, like its okay. Its a 95 cavalier and its like blue but like not dark blue or light blue its like a weird blue lol i like it though. When he bought it they said everything was fine but he said he needs to have the brakes fixed and its like loud so hes going to have it looked at. So umm it shouldnt be taking this long and i could drive it now but hes gay its gay! Im glad that i dont have to get a job now though!

anyway...more algebra 2!!

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