Jan 07, 2009 21:58
I just had a blast with Fran, Emily, Pete and Mum. I suggested we all do some ficlets together and the idea was embraced with enthusiasm! Then we all read our pieces aloud to each other, blushing and laughing, kicking fear in the face.
Title: The Jump
Fandom/original: Original, but heavily influenced by both Alias and a number of war/adventure novels or biographies that I've read.
Rating: G
Word count: 215 words.
The jump took place at 3:55 Tuesday morning. France was a mass of dark misty blackness as he made his way to hole in the plane floor and prepared to jump. Utter blackness met his eye. The radar told him that they were right above the building, and the clock told him that he had exactly 14 minutes to complete the mission. Time was running out. The pack on his back was made secure and ready. He jumped.
The air was freezing as it blew past his face, as he fell ever onwards into the encompassing darkness. The vast spread of grazing fields and sheds slowly became distinguishable from the rest of the landscape. 13 minutes, 12, 11...
He own screaming woke him. The man was covered in linen and tarpaulin, and his arms were tangled in the ruined parachute. His legs wouldn’t move, and he looked down to see 20 feet below a lush, fern covered lawn. Desperate for some means of escape, ignorant that his time had expired three hours before and the agents were already on their way, he shook the foliage. The branch gave way under his weight. Pain jarred his torso, his head went light. “Vat do ve haf here eh?” a mean mannered, evil smelling, whisker covered face cried.
15 minute ficlet