Well, after
that I guess it's good that I'm forced to write something nice. Today I smiled because:
I got to work an hour early which meant I got to leave early...
Which meant that when I got home, I still had time to post...
Go for a walk (but note to self: don't walk at 7pm next time, if I wish to avoid awkward encounters with our antisocial neighbour!)...
Wash up with my brother and Nick...
Have a fabulous workout...
and I still have time to read a bit before bed!
We had an end of year work lunch at Caffiends. Hayden served us, and Fran came along cause she's an ex staff member. Louis from China came too, because he's in at the office doing work experience this week. Matthew is the most hilariously eccentric man you'll ever meet. I love being educated by him - he has a head full of random trivia, especially regarding Europe in the past and present. Luis is from Peru and today he decided he was going to treat us all to an impersonation of Joey from Friends saying "How you doin'? ;)" Marion divides her time between laughing and fussing, Luke quietly looks on, and Chinese Louis (or "Louis number 2" as Matthew calls him) sits there, trying to keep up.
I have resolved to get fit again this summer. Walks and workouts are the order!
The Greeffs are in town and tomorrow I'm having dinner with them!!
Summer decided she would visit today and shone her sun delightfully on us.