Never Have I Ever. (Semi-Open for the VM characters, but feel free to wander by.)

Jan 14, 2008 13:48

It's a bright Californian day, like all the others. The weather is the same here as in Neptune - always sunny, the shadows and storms and early morning drizzle only in people's hearts.

she says she's no good
with words but i am worse
barely stuttered out
a joke of a romantic
stuck to my tongue
weighed down with words
too overdramatic
tonight it's it can't get much worse
vs. no one should ever feel like

Logan takes a shot of tequila straight from the bottle, which was laying next to him on his pillow when he woke up, and fiddles with his lighter that belonged to his dead mother and her likewise dead father who Logan never knew.

i'm two quarters and a heart down
and i don’t want to forget
how your voice sounds
these words are all i have
so i write them
so you need them just to get by

He stares up at Lilly and Veronica's door from the steps of some shop or other in the Court des Angels. Angels. Yeah, that's a laugh. They're blonde as angels, his beautiful girls. But the things they do to him. God.

dance, dance
we're falling apart to half time
dance, dance
and these are the lives you love to lead
dance, this is the way they'd love
if they knew how misery loved me

Normally he hates having a song stuck in his head, but today it seems right.

logan, lilly, rp, veronica

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