"...Tha's a bit tu long, it dinnae roll off the..."
Mickey coughs theatrically. "'What is your name?'"
The first line largish crowd of little blue men roughly three inches tall on average stopped abruptly, causing the rest to pile up.
The only apparent female stepped forward and looked up at the mouse.
And right about then a particularly wild eyed Feegle with a long braid and an eye patch leaped in front of her.
"We be the Nac Mac Feegle!"
"NAC MAC FEEGLE!" a unified cry came up from the crowd. "WEE FREE MEN! Nae King! Nae Quin! We willnae be fooled again!"
The female rolled her eyes.
"What is your quest?" asks the Cat. It's perched, suddenly, on the roof of one of the gate-stiles.
There was a certain amount of muttering as various Feegle discussed the possible answer.
Various Feegle yelled out various quests; A decent pair of trusars. tae save fifteen parsent on cart in-sewer-ants, a lifetime supply of 'ships', more sugar, verrah small rocks, "Blue... no. Yellow!"
Fights began to break out, possibly over who's quest was best or just out of lack for anything better to do in the face of such a question.
The female took no notice of the melee behind her and answered.
"A cairn. A new home."
"'What is the average w..?'" Mickey frowns down at the notebook. "You know, I don't really see why that's important." He flips a page. "'If you could be granted three wishes, what would they be?'"
The answer to this was very much the same as the answer to the last question.
"I wouldnae parmit us tae enter intae such a bargain." The female replied. "Such thins as that gen'rally hae a price ye dinnae wish tae pay. Isn't it right Gonnagle?"
"Oh aye." A young and lanky Feegle with short cropped crazy hair nodded. He shifted the bag under his arm a bit. If one were to look close it would look like a set of bag pipes made of gray fur... and... were those mouse ears and a tail still attached? "The 'istories are verrah cleah on that account."
"Or," the Cat says, examining its tail with interest, "if you were a genie and someone you were trying to
give three wishes to was trying to trick you into giving him more, what would you say?"
"PISS OFF!" the one eyed Feegle yelled from amid the din of the fighting.
Mickey looks rather nonplused at the next, but reads, "'When the revolution comes, what skills will you be able to barter for food?'"
"... We're also good at fetchin' things." the lanky Feegle recently referred to as "Gonnagle" offered.
The female just facepalms.
The Cat rolls its eyes in a friendly (and rather disconcertingly out-of-sync) way, and asks, "Milk, dark, or white chocolate?"
This only causes the fighting to intensify.
"'Choose the two coolest: robots, pirates, fairies, bears, ninjas, monkeys, vampires, or humans,'" says Mickey, giggling a bit as he goes through the list. "'Explain.'"
More answers yelled out by various Feegle. Most of which aren't even on the list.
"And why are the Nac Mac Feegle no on this list then?" the female asked tersely, giving the mouse a hairy eyeball.
"Oh, I shuld think they've gone an groopt us in wi' the fairies Kelda." the lanky mouse-pipe toting Feegle offered. "An honest mistake tae be sure."
"Great!" Mickey flips through the blank pages of the notebook at top, cartoon-y speed. "Well, I think that's just about it! Oh, and I'm supposed to ask, 'for your safety: are you carrying anything sharp?'"
At this the fighting stops abruptly and all the Feegle quickly and ineffectively hide various knives, swords, and spears behind their backs.
"Noooooooo." they all say in unison.
[ooc: With permission of Granny, Susan, and Carrot; I present the Nac Mac Feegle. The Kelda, Fion, and her Gonnagle, No'-As-Big-As-Medium-Sized-Jock-But-Bigger-than-Wee-Jock Jock, left together with a few other unnamed members of the Chalk Clan at the end of Wee Free Men. So some time has passed and they've found a new clan but are in search of a new cairn. You can read about the Feegle