((Closed to Dean, Sam and Starbuck. Lots of confusion to ensue, I'm sure. ^^))
Starbuck sort of felt bad. She really should have gone to see Dean as soon as she was feeling totally back to normal (the potion had put her off for a day or two). Instead, she got caught up in building the pyramid court, so glad that she had found something to preoccupy her mind that she completely forgot to go looking for her (admittedly hapless) rescuer.
Dean had told her that he was living in Le Bat En Rouge (the name alone was enough to make her laugh, even though she had no idea what the language was or what it meant), so she grabbed the pyramid ball to give her hands something to do, and made her way to New Orleans Square. And despite the fact that she actually had a serious question on her mind, she was in a damn good mood for a change.
When she arrived at the giftshop she stifled another laugh at the souveniers, rapped her knuckles against the doorframe, and called inside teasingly, "Housekeeping! Get her while she's in demand and before she realizes that she's not getting paid for it!" Not that she had ever learned good housekeeping habits. But he didn't look much better.