If you walk out on me I'll walk after you

Aug 29, 2005 01:51

So the army did it again. We figured out why they wanted Jer home on Labor day. Apparently that class at Ft. Huachuca down in AZ where my lil bro is has a slot ready for him and his pal. Jer and his buddy are expected to drive to Sierra Vista Labor day in time to take classes that Tuesday. That wouldn't be as big a deal if he wasn't stuck there until Oct. 11th. Yeah, I'm not inclined to stay in stupid TX by myself only to be leaving around that time anyway to move back home when he should get his block leave. So Jer's going JAG tomorrow since he'll be missing these classes here to take the ones there. The sad thing is one they shoulda told us so we could've used our leave to pack before he goes and that they just took our last month together away since he's going to Iraq. I'm pretty sure we have a case for the mold and breaking the lease. That or the cockroaches anyway. So at least if we force their hand the puppers and myself can be home that much quicker.

The mold inspector that showed up randomly the other day finally returned a message we left saying he was sorry. He set up today at 1pm to come by and enjoy our mold. I just hope he says this place is uninhabitable and says we'll send you packing ASAP. Yes, how nice would that be:) Poor Shadows on a new 20 dollar a month 3 pill a day thing for her mold allergies now. They still don't work in the last hour or so so she still has gnawing sores. We took the puppers to their 'day spa vacation' place where we'll be leaving them on our short short flight home. The woman who'll care for them said they were lovely and good dogs to my amazement;) Clover and Shadow have been getting really close the last couple months. Just sleeping on each other and playing all the time.

Sigh so I'm supposed to lose Jer until he gets leave or I'll have to fly back to TX to see him before he goes. If not he'll follow me home for block leave and we'll head for the Northern border hehe;) Well anyway in anticipation of the trip home I got my haircut today... the lady was scissor happy. Least the puppers grooming turned out adorable.. shoulda gone to her... if I could've afforded it!

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