(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 11:51

so today in chemistry, since it was halloween, my professor passed a huge bowl of candy around. it came around to me twice, and my row cleared the bowl pretty nicely... but it got so much better! there wasn't too much to do today, so we just got to sit and watch the professor freeze all kinds of shit in liquid nitrogen. what shit, you ask? there were grapes, flowers, balloons, candy bars... for the grand finale, she tried to hammer a nail into wood with a frozen banana.

basically, my classes are cooler than yours.

yeah thats not true, some of my classes suck too. last week i got back a paper that i got a D- on cause i had no idea what the assignment was actually about... the topic was so abstract, but the expectations were so specific, it was ridiculous. and so many other people did uber shitty on them. the worst part is that it's 25% of the grade. whoops.

on a lighter note, i went to a concert on thursday that was a bunch of school bands (a la paufest!) and was asked to drum for an all-asian band called "asian flush." i hope it works out haha no matter what kind of music we play, it will be awesome. cause we're a bunch of asian people. we can even suck and people will say, "holy shit, are they all asian?" "yes, yes they are." oh, and its fun because everyone here is white.
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