Jensen time...

Aug 22, 2022 20:52

On the basis that I am off to Rome in Just over 48 hours to the two-and-a-half years-delayed JIB con, and I will have several squeezes with this man ... please allow me to get myself in the mood...

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extreme prettiness, jensen time, fangirl down, jensen

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Comments 6

septembers_coda August 22 2022, 21:14:14 UTC
LOL, is mood-prep necessary? Like, are there times when you'd be like, "No thanks, Jensen, hands off, no hugs for me!"? :-D

(I am seriously cracking myself up with that image.) <3 :-D I hope you have an amazing time at JIB Con!! Wish BL and I were with you!


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:24:07 UTC
*thinks about turning Jensen down*
Nope, not possible. The day will never dawn that I wouldn't climb that man like a tree!


galatera_grass August 22 2022, 21:25:04 UTC
I hope that you will write us a report about your trip. We'll be looking forward to it. Ask Jensen an interesting question. Here are my questions. How did he get into Big Sky? Is Chaos Machines developing any new projects? Will Jensen be in The Winchesters? Or will Dean only be in the pilot episode? He will have as many as two solo panels


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:26:23 UTC
I didn't get to ask Jensen any questions but he did speak about Big Sky at the con, and said that he basically just told his management company to find him something, and that the producers approached him. They more or less wrote the Beau character with him in mind once they'd talked.

It was such a fantastic event, so nice to be back. I did write it up, and you can see at at my journal :)


sandy79 August 22 2022, 22:35:18 UTC
Squeeze in one for me, will ya, please?


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:27:55 UTC
I squeezed Jensen for you - and I enjoyed it! I hope you did too xx


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