It's GISH time again!

Aug 08, 2022 21:11

I know I have been somewhat quiet here of late, particullarly depriving you of your Jensen Times for which I apologise profusely!

However, I have been buried in the mayham that is GISH followed by a dapplegrey art show.

I'll post about the art show tomorrow, but here - hopefully for your amusement - is a collection of the reasons why I am guilty of dereliction of Jensen-related duties!

Task no. 33 - the team picture challenge: GRID ITEM. There are a multitude of species of life that exist only in the Amazon, and our wildlife biologists just found the rarest of all: your team! Show us an old-school natural history pinboard with your team as rare Amazonian insects. Every member of your team should be present and we must be able to clearly see your faces.
I was on a fabulous team that included tifaching and blackrabbit42 :)

And here, for the hell of it, is my individual picture:

Task no. 37: Boris Johnson resigned and the race for the UK's next Prime Minister is heated. When he won the first time, he defeated such luminaries as Elmo and Lord Buckethead, continuing the tradition of strange PM candidates. This time, a true dark horse candidate has emerged: draw a campaign poster for Optimus Prime Minister.

Task No. 117: We've opened a portal to the past again, allowing Gishers to dip into any GISH year they want all week long: Time-hop to complete any single GISH Item you missed out on in previous years. You may not submit previous works - and to prove it, in every submission you must incorporate your time-traveling buddy, Chillax. Submit your item along with a comment clearly indicating the year and Item you are revisiting.

So I have chosen to do task 107 from 2019 - Create a haiku for an animal on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that tells of the animal’s plight and why we should protect it. Next to the haiku, include a hand-drawn picture or origami sculpture of the animal.

Task No. 121 - Art is subjective, so there's really no such thing as "bad" art in our opinion. Prove us wrong: create a piece of art so truly awful, it deserves to be in the Museum of Bad Art. The subject of your creation: a terrible, haunting, "big eyes" portrait of a character from Supernatural or another well-known pop-culture universe, in the style of Margaret Keane. But make it so bad, it's kind of good.

So this looks like the love child of Dean Winchester and a funko doll. It's definitely bad, but is it so bad it's good?

Task no. 127? In a multiverse, one very different to our own, two brothers work tirelessly to rid the world of evil, saving people, hunting things… the Family Business. These brothers are Jensen Quackles and Jared Paducklecki. Using rubber ducks as a foundation, create your concept of what these brothers look like.

Task No. 161:
TV shows get crossover episodes all the time, but we just don't see enough Poetry Crossovers! Choose two of your favorite short, well-known poems from wildly different genres of poets and write the words on separate slips of paper. Then, rearrange the words to form a brand-new poem that creates the genre mash-up the poetry world has been yearning for. You must use all the primary words in your new creation, but you can add or remove conjunctions and articles as needed to make it flow.
This one was a LOT harder than it first appeared!

silliness, gishwhes, fandom friends

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