The Friday Five

Jul 22, 2022 19:32

I haven't been keeping up to date with this, so I thought I'd have a go.  Here's a set of questions from 15th July:

1. How tall would you like to be if you had the chance to choose? I’m currently somewhere between 5’ 6” and 5’ 7”. I used to be a straight 5’ 7”, but I think I’ve shrunk a little.  When I was born I was a very long baby, apparently and my parents had that test done where they can predict how tall you’re going to be when you’re an adult and the doctors said I would be 5’ 8”. I think that might have been a nice height, but I’m pretty happy where I am!
2. How often do you change your sheets? More often in the summer than in the winter, on average every couple of weeks.
3. When is it time to repurpose an old towel? I tend to use towels until they are literally falling apart and threadbare. I have this theory that old, scratchy towels dry you better than new, fluffy towels, I may be imagining it, but I’m sticking with it. When a towel is really so threadbare it’s actually embarrassing, I give it to Mr D to use for rags in his workshop.
4. Do you need to make a trip to a secondhand store to drop something off? I’ve just done that. We’ve recently redecorated our bedroom and went from terracotta to duck egg blue. There was a mirror and a picture frame that didn’t match any more, so I gave them to my local charity store.
5. What was the last book you borrowed from the library? I don’t have a library membership, but the last book I bought was a book about HMS Victory for my Dad’s birthday

friday five

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